Read our policy manifesto
HereRead our policy manifesto
HereWe’re proud to have secured funding in summer 2021 from Sport England. This has enabled the recruitment of a new team member, our Play Streets Information and Support Officer, who is supporting our Play Streets Development Officer to progress play streets over the next year.
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, a social change funder, is supporting Playing Out through a three-year grant to grow and scale up street play across the UK.
The Tudor Trust supports positive change in communities and has awarded Playing Out a two-year grant towards core costs.
The Network has supported Playing Out since our earliest days through a number of project grants. In 2019/20 they supported us to ensure resident led street play is accessible to all areas of the UK including the most disadvantaged.
Bristol City Council has supported Playing Out in Bristol since the early days in 2010 providing policy support, small project seed funding and – later – bigger health and sustainable transport related funding for our direct work with streets. We’ve had no BCC funding since 2016 but the council is strongly supportive in other ways.
Bristol University carried out an evaluation of the playing out model from 2013-16 and is a partner on the Bristol Child-Friendly City project.
If you’re interested in working with Playing Out, supporting the street play movement and bringing about social change, please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.