Read about play streets in...
The Atlantic!Read about play streets in...
The Atlantic!Cycling, scooting, roller-blading, skateboarding…
Races, hopscotch and obstacle courses – brilliant example here.
Hula-hooping, skipping, chalking, kendama, juggling…
Balancing on one-leg competition, musical statues…
Street dance for all ages – chalk out 2m distanced spots and do some choreographed dancing like this Bristol street or just put some music on and let everyone do their own thing!
Children wear/ make hats or costumes to help them distance, like these children in China.
Bat and ball type games, or kerby with a different coloured soft ball each
No-contact football, keepie-uppie…
The main thing is, whatever you decide to do, that children are happy and having fun. Let us know if you hear about or think of other ideas. You might also be interested in our blog on why boredom is not always the enemy of play.