Info for councils

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Home > Play streets > Info for councils > Setting up your play street scheme > Establish an application process

3. Establish an application process

Create a clear and simple process for residents to apply for street closure

To get you started, download our guide to best practice for your play street policy.

The LGA has guidance on best practice for an accessible play streets policy and application process.

Key things to consider are:

  • Who will pick up the applications and what is the process for responding to residents?
  • What kind of support or guidance will you offer them?
  • How will they obtain road closure kits?


You will need to develop a simple accessible webpage – see a list of good examples on our build your team page.

Application form

You will need an application form for residents to request their Temporary Play Street Order (TPSO)download a free template here.

Signpost to us (Playing Out)

We really encourage you to put a link to our website on your play street webpage, so that residents can see they are part of a wider movement and access all the amazing resources we’ve developed for them over the past decade. The Leeds council play street page has a good example of this (scroll down to the bottom).

Preparing residents to manage and steward road closures 

Read here for more information about liability and how to support residents with road closures.

In 2021 we made an 18minute instructional film “How to steward a school street or play street” in partnership with Sustrans, watch it below.

You can either signpost residents to this film on your webpage, or even embed it directly to your website. Please contact us [email protected] if you wish to do this.

Find out how other councils made play streets happen

Local Authority case studies