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Area activators are ordinary people all across the UK who are taking action to seed and grow play streets locally and change things for children in their area. Read their inspiring stories below…
“As the road closure signs went out, the children screamed out with utter delight. Within minutes kids were bringing bikes out, water guns were squirting and the whole street was alive!” Read more…
“If I can do this, anyone can! I only came to this country from India 11 years or so ago, so I am very proud of what I have done on my street!” Read more…
Samira lives on the 14th floor in a tower block community and play streets have helped bring people together. “It’s like being back home! Going outside, talking to neighbours, children playing, people all around. It’s ‘the village’!” Read more…
“Resolving objections is part of what makes a community. All kinds of streets around the world are making this happen. Why shouldn’t you be allowed to do it?” Read more…
“Several parents said that it felt much safer for their children to be distancing on our street than in the local parks, which have been really busy.” Read more…
“Some of us have young families, some teenagers, some grandchildren and others only adult children.. But we all want to improve things for the whole community.” Read more…
“I want my son to have the fantastic memories I have of playing out unsupervised and creating imaginary worlds with my friends.” Read more…
“Children need to feel comfortable in their neighbourhoods and learn from each other, young and old. I didn’t want my children being raised solely cooped up in the back garden or driven to every park/ social gathering.” Read more…
“Over the years, many cups of tea were drunk, ice pops consumed, water pistol fights fought, bikes ridden, skateboards fallen off and conversations had. Here’s how playing out changed our street for good…” Read more…
Julia is a mum with two children living in Cambridge. This is the story of her one-woman campaign to change council policy and make play streets easier for all residents across Cambridgeshire. Read more…
Nicola and Lesley have supported many parents and residents across St Albans to run a play street or street party over the years. “I don’t think of myself as a radical activator! I am quite conventional. But this work has helped me to make a positive difference in the world.” Read more…
“Seeing all the amazing stuff that happens on play streets – the friendships, connections, play. All of that got started because of what we did, and those streets will continue without us…” How and why Alison decided to support and grow play streets in North Tyneside – Read more…
Kate started running a pay street on her own street and now has years of experience in helping others to do the same, including in tower block estates and communities facing disadvantage – Read more…