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Privacy Policy for Playing Out CIC

You can read more about Playing Out’s use of cookies on our Cookie Policy page.

We will never share your contact details without your express permission, and we won’t sign you up to mailings. If you wish to receive our blog or newsletter (aimed at professionals), you can subscribe or unsubscribe to those yourself at any time. These are managed by Mailchimp.

As part of our movement building work to grow play streets across the UK, we aim to link people up from similar geographical or interest areas, so that they can support each other and work together in whatever way is beneficial for them.

If you contact us as an individual (e.g. resident / parent interested in organising a play street) we may request your permission to store your details on our secure internal database, so that we can contact you again in future with updates about what’s happening in your area. If you don’t reply specifically granting us permission, we will not store your information.

If you contact us as part of your work or representing an organisation, demonstrating an interest in being part of this movement or seeking advice on how to progress Playing Out in your area, we may consider this a ‘legitimate interest’ under GDPR law to store your name, contact detail(s) and any other relevant information you have given us in our internal secure database, so that if in future we need to find and contact you, we can. Again, we would never share your contact details with anyone else, unless you give us permission to do so.

If you do not wish us to use your data in this way, simply tell us and we’ll be happy not to.